Don’t let the elements slow you down. A clogged filter chokes your engine of power. The S&B Particle Separator lets you play in harsh conditions, as it was designed to protect from water, snow, sand,...
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    • Don’t let the elements slow you down. A clogged filter chokes your engine of power. The S&B Particle Separator lets you play in harsh conditions, as it was designed to protect from water, snow, sand, and fine dust. The Particle Separator ejects 94% of the dusty air before it reaches your stock filter.

      • Separates over 94% of dust before it reaches the air filter
      • Mounts to the upper or lower roll bars
      • Scavenge fan only runs when needed
      • Connects to your pulse bus bar power
      • Protects your engine. Overloaded filters can collapse resulting in a dusted motor.

Install Instructions: https://sbfilters.com/pages/76-7015install